Unlocking Letters and Sounds: Resource Pack

SKU: K936800W


  • RRP: £321.42
  • Book Quantity: 11

This pack includes the key resources for Phases 2 to 5 including:

Flashcards to use as visual prompts and for reviewing GPCs (Phase 2,3 and 5a) and CEWs (all phases).

Wall Friezes and Charts showing the GPCs learned in Phases 2,3 and 5a (as the children learn new GPCs, they can be added to the frieze, reflecting the children’s growing knowledge) and a wall chart showing vowel sounds and consonant sounds for all phases.

Sounds Mats for Phases 2 and 3 showing the GPCs covered, plus sound mats for Phase 5 showing vowel sounds and consonant sounds (all phases), organised by sound family.

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About this collection

This pack includes the key resources for Phases 2 to 5 including:

Flashcards to use as visual prompts and for reviewing GPCs (Phase 2,3 and 5a) and CEWs (all phases).

Wall Friezes and Charts showing the GPCs learned in Phases 2,3 and 5a (as the children learn new GPCs, they can be added to the frieze, reflecting the children’s growing knowledge) and a wall chart showing vowel sounds and consonant sounds for all phases.

Sounds Mats for Phases 2 and 3 showing the GPCs covered, plus sound mats for Phase 5 showing vowel sounds and consonant sounds (all phases), organised by sound family.

  • Product Code: K936800W
  • Key Stage: EYFS, Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Reception, Year 1
  • Book Quantity: 11
  • Publisher: Ransom
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.