Rocket Phonics is a DfE-validated and successful Phonics program that extends learning and reading practice provision beyond the Year 1 phonics test. These write-in Pupil Practice Booklets are part of Rocket Phonics’ Next Steps for Year 2 programme, providing daily opportunities for children to practice fundamental reading and writing skills. Each Booklet covers a half term of teaching and provides activities to help children consolidate their phonics learning, develop reading fluency, sharpen writing skills and practice cursive handwriting.
Each Booklet has 64 pages of write-in pupil activities, cursive handwriting practice pages and two mini assessments.
- Product Code: M978400W
- Key Stage: Key Stage 1
- Year Group: Year 2
- Book Quantity: 120
- For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.
*We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.