Reading Planet Rocket Phonics is a well-renowned, highly respected DfE validated SSP programme, offering teacher resources, classroom materials and online training. This Rocket Phonics Complete SSP Pack contains Target Practice Readers Packs 1 and 2, Additional Readers Pack, Flashcards Set 1 and 2, plus a 1-year online subscription. This is a brilliant and easy way to add variation to your phonics library, and you can separately order pupil practice books, to fulfil your school’s needs. For purchases of the online subscription, we will need your school’s name and address, and a named contact and email address. Orders of online subscriptions will be fulfilled by the publisher directly. If needed, technical support is provided by the publisher.
- Product Code: H982700W
- Key Stage: EYFS, Key Stage 1
- Year Group: Reception, Year 1, Year 2
- Book Genre: Mixed Fiction & Non-Fiction
- Book Quantity: 164
- Publisher: Rising Stars
- For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.
*We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.