Read Write Inc. Yellow Storybooks & Non-Fiction: Pack of 25

SKU: P966900W


  • Book Quantity: 25

The Read Write Inc. Yellow Storybooks & Non-Fiction Pack includes 10 Yellow Core Storybooks, 10 More Storybooks and 5 Set 5 Yellow Non-Fiction books. The decodable Core Storybooks are perfect for classroom use and phonics lessons, providing vital reading experience and consolidation for children learning to read the Read Write Inc. Phonics Set 1 and 2 Sounds. This set of 20 stories, with colourful illustrations, offers an exciting mix of fairy tales, myths and legends, rhyming stories, and stories with familiar settings.

Set 5 Yellow Non-Fiction titles provide extra practice for children learning to read. Through topics such as parks and fairgrounds, children can practise reading specific non-fiction features such as captions, labels and diagrams whilst using their knowledge of sounds learned in Set 1 and 2 Sounds. Tricky words are highlighted in red.

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About this collection

The Read Write Inc. Yellow Storybooks & Non-Fiction Pack includes 10 Yellow Core Storybooks, 10 More Storybooks and 5 Set 5 Yellow Non-Fiction books. The decodable Core Storybooks are perfect for classroom use and phonics lessons, providing vital reading experience and consolidation for children learning to read the Read Write Inc. Phonics Set 1 and 2 Sounds. This set of 20 stories, with colourful illustrations, offers an exciting mix of fairy tales, myths and legends, rhyming stories, and stories with familiar settings.

Set 5 Yellow Non-Fiction titles provide extra practice for children learning to read. Through topics such as parks and fairgrounds, children can practise reading specific non-fiction features such as captions, labels and diagrams whilst using their knowledge of sounds learned in Set 1 and 2 Sounds. Tricky words are highlighted in red.

  • Product Code: P966900W
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Year 1
  • Book Genre: Mixed Fiction & Non-Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 25
  • Publisher: Oxford
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.