Read Write Inc. Phonics Online is available on Oxford Owl. It includes interactive activities for the whiteboard for each Storybook, as well as additional support for Speed Sounds lessons, up-to-date assessments and other key reference documents including Handbooks 1 and 2.
- Handbooks 1 and 2, with hyperlinks to relevant teaching materials, and printable daily teaching notes.
- Printable assessments for sounds, word accuracy and reading fluency
- Grouping and tracking grids
- Printable Story Green Words and interactive Speedy Green Word files
- Comprehension activities and Get Writing! files for writing activities
- Extensive guidance on teaching handwriting
- Storytime and Poetry Time traditional tales, fairy stories and poems to read aloud to your class, with lots of fun discussion and role-play activities to enrich comprehension, vocabulary, speaking and listening skills
- A guide for Reception/P1 teachers
- Product Code: P958500W
- For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.
*We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.