Read Write Inc. Blue Storybooks & Non-Fiction: Pack of 250

SKU: P991700W


  • Book Quantity: 250

The Read Write Inc. Blue Storybooks & Non-Fiction Pack x 250 provides 10 copies of each of the 20 fiction titles from Read Write Inc.’s Blue Core Storybooks and More Storybooks and 5 non-fiction titles in the Set 6 Blue Non-Fiction set.

Core Storybooks and More Storybooks are for children to use in the classroom and are perfect for reinforcing children’s phonic learning of Set 1, 2 and 3 Sounds as they are introduced in lessons. More Storybooks follow the same progression as that of the Core Storybooks, all of which include a mix of story conventions such as fairy tales, myths and legends, rhyming stories, and stories with familiar settings. Longer texts and more challenging vocabulary are a feature of these books.

Also included are 10 copies of each of the 5 non-fiction titles in Set 6 Blue to provide the reading experience and practice children need as they progress towards fluency. Books include facts, diagrams, labels and captions about a variety of topics including bikes and the seaside.

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About this collection

The Read Write Inc. Blue Storybooks & Non-Fiction Pack x 250 provides 10 copies of each of the 20 fiction titles from Read Write Inc.’s Blue Core Storybooks and More Storybooks and 5 non-fiction titles in the Set 6 Blue Non-Fiction set.

Core Storybooks and More Storybooks are for children to use in the classroom and are perfect for reinforcing children’s phonic learning of Set 1, 2 and 3 Sounds as they are introduced in lessons. More Storybooks follow the same progression as that of the Core Storybooks, all of which include a mix of story conventions such as fairy tales, myths and legends, rhyming stories, and stories with familiar settings. Longer texts and more challenging vocabulary are a feature of these books.

Also included are 10 copies of each of the 5 non-fiction titles in Set 6 Blue to provide the reading experience and practice children need as they progress towards fluency. Books include facts, diagrams, labels and captions about a variety of topics including bikes and the seaside.

  • Product Code: P991700W
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Year 2
  • Book Genre: Mixed Fiction & Non-Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 250
  • Publisher: Oxford
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.