Alien Adventures: Yellow

SKU: M938400W


  • RRP: £33.00
  • Book Quantity: 6

Project X Alien Adventures is the award-winning, revolutionary, fully decodable reading scheme that oozes appeal. These Yellow level books (aligned with Phase 3) are for independent reading in the classroom or home and can be used as supporting texts for the DfE validated, Essential Letters and Sounds SSP programme developed by the Knowledge Schools Trust English Hub and published by Oxford University Press. Whilst each book is its own complete story, books can be read in a suggested order to follow the wider space adventure, particularly if using the scheme to revisit phonics with KS2 learners. Inside cover notes guide parents on how to share books most effectively with new readers. Alongside the story blurb on the reverse, books clearly display the Book band colour, ORT level, Letters and Sounds Phase, Phonic focus and High-Frequency Words.

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About this collection

Project X Alien Adventures is the award-winning, revolutionary, fully decodable reading scheme that oozes appeal. These Yellow level books (aligned with Phase 3) are for independent reading in the classroom or home and can be used as supporting texts for the DfE validated, Essential Letters and Sounds SSP programme developed by the Knowledge Schools Trust English Hub and published by Oxford University Press. Whilst each book is its own complete story, books can be read in a suggested order to follow the wider space adventure, particularly if using the scheme to revisit phonics with KS2 learners. Inside cover notes guide parents on how to share books most effectively with new readers. Alongside the story blurb on the reverse, books clearly display the Book band colour, ORT level, Letters and Sounds Phase, Phonic focus and High-Frequency Words.

  • Product Code: M938400W
  • Book Band Level: Yellow
  • Key Stage: EYFS
  • Year Group: Reception
  • Book Genre: Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 6
  • Publisher: Oxford
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.



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