Alien Adventures: White

SKU: M939300W


  • RRP: £54.00
  • Book Quantity: 6

What are the micro-friends up to this time and on which planet? Of course it’s everyday action, as usual, looking for more Fragments but this time on Planet Kree-Mar. Escaping the Mega-Meebs, Krools and even more frightening foes will keep readers on the edges of their seats. These all-action space adventures in Project X Alien Adventure White band come alive with the incredible partnership between animator, Jonatronix, and the award-winning writer Steve Cole. The Project X Alien Adventures reading scheme provides finely tuned step by step progression making this series an absolute favourite for readers and teachers too. This is a reading scheme loved by all readers but it is undoubtedly popular with boys and whilst each story offers its own adventure, books can be read in a suggested order to follow a wider space adventure. ‘Max’s Mission Log’ and ‘In our last adventure’ features appear at the start of every new book to help with the story plot and to update readers on the action. As expected Oxford makes excellent use of the inside covers offering tips and ideas to support to teaching staff, parents and the reader at all stages including Before Reading (identification of challenging words), During Reading (tips to parents) and After Reading (comprehension questions).

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What are the micro-friends up to this time and on which planet? Of course it’s everyday action, as usual, looking for more Fragments but this time on Planet Kree-Mar. Escaping the Mega-Meebs, Krools and even more frightening foes will keep readers on the edges of their seats. These all-action space adventures in Project X Alien Adventure White band come alive with the incredible partnership between animator, Jonatronix, and the award-winning writer Steve Cole. The Project X Alien Adventures reading scheme provides finely tuned step by step progression making this series an absolute favourite for readers and teachers too. This is a reading scheme loved by all readers but it is undoubtedly popular with boys and whilst each story offers its own adventure, books can be read in a suggested order to follow a wider space adventure. ‘Max’s Mission Log’ and ‘In our last adventure’ features appear at the start of every new book to help with the story plot and to update readers on the action. As expected Oxford makes excellent use of the inside covers offering tips and ideas to support to teaching staff, parents and the reader at all stages including Before Reading (identification of challenging words), During Reading (tips to parents) and After Reading (comprehension questions).

  • Product Code: M939300W
  • Book Band Level: White
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Year 2
  • Book Genre: Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 6
  • Publisher: Oxford
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.



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