Alien Adventures: Orange

SKU: M938700W


  • RRP: £43.80
  • Book Quantity: 6

Set in deep space and characterised by the magnificent animation and characterisation from Jonatronix, Project X Alien Adventures is the award-winning, cutting edge reading scheme that children love. Fully decodable texts and expert step-by-step progression makes this scheme completely SSP friendly for teachers who are looking to match books to classroom teaching. These Orange level books (aligned with Phase 5) are for independent reading. As expected Oxford makes excellent use of the inside covers offering valuable support to teaching staff, parents and the reader at all stages including Before Reading (identification of challenging words), During Reading (tips to parents) and After Reading (comprehension questions). Project X Alien Adventures Lilac to Orange books can be used as supporting texts for the DfE validated, Essential Letters and Sounds SSP programme developed by the Knowledge Schools Trust English Hub and published by Oxford University Press.

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About this collection

Set in deep space and characterised by the magnificent animation and characterisation from Jonatronix, Project X Alien Adventures is the award-winning, cutting edge reading scheme that children love. Fully decodable texts and expert step-by-step progression makes this scheme completely SSP friendly for teachers who are looking to match books to classroom teaching. These Orange level books (aligned with Phase 5) are for independent reading. As expected Oxford makes excellent use of the inside covers offering valuable support to teaching staff, parents and the reader at all stages including Before Reading (identification of challenging words), During Reading (tips to parents) and After Reading (comprehension questions). Project X Alien Adventures Lilac to Orange books can be used as supporting texts for the DfE validated, Essential Letters and Sounds SSP programme developed by the Knowledge Schools Trust English Hub and published by Oxford University Press.

  • Product Code: M938700W
  • Book Band Level: Orange
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Year 1
  • Book Genre: Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 6
  • Publisher: Oxford
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.



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