Alien Adventures: KS1 Complete Pack (Lilac to Lime)

SKU: M939500W


  • RRP: £499.80
  • Book Quantity: 72

Project X Alien Adventures is the award-winning, revolutionary, fully decodable reading scheme that oozes appeal for young children. Perfect for independent reading in the classroom when matched to the teaching of phonics. up to Orange band and then for step-by-step progression to becoming a confident reader at Lime Level. The magnificent animation and characterisation from Jonatronix and exciting writing from renowned children’s authors makes this an absolute favourite for teachers and children alike. The Lilac to Orange bands in the complete Lilac to Lime KS1 pack covers Phases 1 to 5.

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About this collection

Project X Alien Adventures is the award-winning, revolutionary, fully decodable reading scheme that oozes appeal for young children. Perfect for independent reading in the classroom when matched to the teaching of phonics. up to Orange band and then for step-by-step progression to becoming a confident reader at Lime Level. The magnificent animation and characterisation from Jonatronix and exciting writing from renowned children’s authors makes this an absolute favourite for teachers and children alike. The Lilac to Orange bands in the complete Lilac to Lime KS1 pack covers Phases 1 to 5.

  • Product Code: M939500W
  • Book Band Level: Lilac, Pink, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange, Turquoise, Purple, Gold, White, Lime
  • Key Stage: EYFS, Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Reception, Year 1, Year 2
  • Book Genre: Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 72
  • Publisher: Oxford
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.



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