Download these feel-good activity ideas as a FREE Mood Boosting Bingo Game — Fun for all the Family!
A useful sheet that can easily be sent home electronically to parents, included in a newsletter, shared in school or printed and popped into book bags. This fun game will spread good cheer and provide ideas for activities which will boost wellbeing for all the family. Children could complete a line each week or do these over a holiday, there are lots of accessible and varied activities and starting with one in class can create excitement and open up discussion.
An important message to share with parents: Don’t worry if you or your child are feeling down, we can’t always be upbeat and rain can quickly turn to sunshine. However, if low mood persists and you are concerned you can seek advice from your GP or visit the Place2Be or Young Minds websites.
Product Code: mood-boosting-bingo
Key Stage: EYFS, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2
Year Group: Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Book Genre: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Mixed Fiction & Non-Fiction
Book Quantity: 1
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