Mixed Scheme Non-Fiction: White

SKU: P941600W


  • Book Quantity: 20

An enticing mix of White book banded non-fiction books from the best publishers of scheme books: Raintree, Oxford and Collins. These 20 fun, factual reads explore the world; its animals and people; culture and history; design and technology; and more. Children at this reading level will relish learning in-depth about a topic through more complex methods of presenting information and a higher level of technical vocabulary. Every book will arrive covered in a free protective jacket to prolong its life in school along with a White storage box to keep books together.

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About this collection

An enticing mix of White book banded non-fiction books from the best publishers of scheme books: Raintree, Oxford and Collins. These 20 fun, factual reads explore the world; its animals and people; culture and history; design and technology; and more. Children at this reading level will relish learning in-depth about a topic through more complex methods of presenting information and a higher level of technical vocabulary. Every book will arrive covered in a free protective jacket to prolong its life in school along with a White storage box to keep books together.

  • Product Code: P941600W
  • Book Band Level: White
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Year 2
  • Book Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 20
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.