Mixed Scheme Non-Fiction: Orange

SKU: P916600W


  • Book Quantity: 15

A great mix of 15 non-fiction readers for pupils who have progressed to Orange book band level. This book can be shared with an adult to extend and widen children’s reading experience alongside their SSP programme and matched reading book. This selection will really appeal to children who by now are exploring so many of the conventions of non-fiction with confidence. Labels, maps, charts, diagrams and instructions all feature heavily in this vibrant mix of informative books. Leading educational publishers Oxford, Raintree, Collins and Maverick take children on a journey of discovery to Pompeii, India, around the human body and through the garden underworld. Every book will arrive covered in a free protective jacket along with one of our unique colour-coded storage boxes for reading scheme books.

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About this collection

A great mix of 15 non-fiction readers for pupils who have progressed to Orange book band level. This book can be shared with an adult to extend and widen children’s reading experience alongside their SSP programme and matched reading book. This selection will really appeal to children who by now are exploring so many of the conventions of non-fiction with confidence. Labels, maps, charts, diagrams and instructions all feature heavily in this vibrant mix of informative books. Leading educational publishers Oxford, Raintree, Collins and Maverick take children on a journey of discovery to Pompeii, India, around the human body and through the garden underworld. Every book will arrive covered in a free protective jacket along with one of our unique colour-coded storage boxes for reading scheme books.

  • Product Code: P916600W
  • Book Band Level: Orange
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Year 1
  • Book Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 15
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.