Mindful Me

SKU: 3497900W


  • RRP: £35.96
  • Book Quantity: 4

These storybooks explore a variety of recognisable situations in which mindfulness could be a useful tool. Mindfulness practises are integrated into the stories and are expanded in the teacher’s section at the end of each book. At various points in each story, the reader is invited to pause and notice their own present-moment experience. This helps them to practise this useful mindfulness technique and to encourage them to recognise the impact that the different exercises are having on them. A very useful series if you are introducing children in years 2–3 to the practice of mindfulness.

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About this collection

These storybooks explore a variety of recognisable situations in which mindfulness could be a useful tool. Mindfulness practises are integrated into the stories and are expanded in the teacher’s section at the end of each book. At various points in each story, the reader is invited to pause and notice their own present-moment experience. This helps them to practise this useful mindfulness technique and to encourage them to recognise the impact that the different exercises are having on them. A very useful series if you are introducing children in years 2–3 to the practice of mindfulness.

  • Product Code: 3497900W
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2
  • Year Group: Year 2, Year 3
  • Book Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 4
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.