Jon Biddle Recommended Books for UKS2

SKU: 2468700W


  • RRP: £478.51
  • Book Quantity: 49

Years 5 and 6 are when children begin to understand the power that books can have and how they can help develop empathy and build their understanding of the world. This collection is comprised of books that will make pupils laugh, cry, gasp and think, and will create lots of passionate discussion in the classroom.

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About this collection

Jon Biddle is the English Lead at Moorlands Primary Academy in Norfolk. Over the past several years he has been working alongside colleagues to put Reading for Pleasure at the heart of their school improvement, creating a culture that supports children to discover and grow their identities as readers. This work has led to significant improvements in outcomes for children. He shares his ideas for building reading cultures and book recommendations with school staff through regular education press articles, the popular Facebook group, Reading for Pleasure in Schools, and runs RfP CPD training.

“These collections have been put together to help support a classroom Reading for Pleasure culture and celebrate the amazing children we work with. They all include fiction, non-fiction, poetry and picture books. There is also a selection of graphic novels for the KS1 and KS2 packs, as they have exploded in popularity over the past few years. I have used my knowledge of what is popular at my school and beyond, based on feedback from pupils, staff and my own experiences as a teacher. I hope your pupils enjoy exploring these books as much as mine have!”

  • Product Code: 2468700W
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 2
  • Year Group: Year 5, Year 6
  • Book Genre: Mixed Fiction & Non-Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 49
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.