Keep your children reading and progressing at home with these brilliant Orange banded phonics books widely used in schools. We have been a schools book supplier for 30 years and are now using that expertise to support children’s learning at home.
Grapheme-phoneme correspondences
More advanced/rarer alternative spellings and pronunciations (e.g. kn, gn, wr, sion, tion, cial)
Common exception words
again, any, asked, because, called, could, eyes, friends, laughed, looked, many, Mr, Mrs, oh, once, people, please, their, thought, through, water, where, who
- Product Code: HR6PHON-O
- Book Band Level: Orange
- Key Stage: Key Stage 1
- Year Group: Year 1
- Book Genre: Mixed Fiction & Non-Fiction
- Book Quantity: 12
- For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.
*We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.