Floppy’s Phonics Teaching Programme Phase 1-5 Complete Pack: 1 Form Entry

SKU: P914300W


  • RRP: £3,456.00
  • Book Quantity: 720

A rigorous, easy to use synthetic phonics teaching programme that engages children from the outset and enables them to learn to read quickly. The 48 fully decodable titles containing Phases 1–5 (Lilac to Green Level) offer children reading practice that’s matched to their phonic knowledge. These colourful and engaging books use the popular Oxford Reading Tree characters and action-packed illustrations to make learning phonics fun. Developed with Debbie Hepplewhite MBE, a prolific author, trainer and advisor on synthetic phonics. This pack includes 15 copies of  each title as required for sharing 1 between 2 in class or for taking books home.

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About this collection

The complete pack of Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters includes 48 titles that support the teaching of the Letters and Sounds programme from Phase 1 to Phase 5 (Book bands Lilac to Green). These colourful and engaging books provide practise and revision opportunities for children who are learning to decode, as well as enriching readers with a wealth of new vocabulary.  All of the books are fitted with a protective jacket to protect and preserve their life in school.

  • Product Code: P914300W
  • Book Band Level: Lilac, Pink, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
  • Key Stage: EYFS, Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Reception, Year 1
  • Book Genre: Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 720
  • Publisher: Oxford
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.