Get your library going with these books, all selected from our best new lower key stage 2 collections. They are not just our favourites; we also wanted to give you the perfect spread of text levels and interest ages for years 3 & 4 and a broad range of themes, characters, authors and writing styles to engage them. There were some difficult choices to make but the result is a broad, balanced and widely appealing collection of new books to freshen your library shelves.
- Product Code: 2461500W
- Book Band Level: Lime, Brown, Grey, Dark Blue, Dark Red
- Key Stage: Key Stage 2
- Year Group: Year 3, Year 4
- Book Genre: Fiction
- Book Quantity: 27
- For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.
*We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.