Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper: Pink

SKU: P915000W


  • RRP: £30.00
  • Book Quantity: 6

This set of 6 Pink band books (ORT level 1+) is carefully levelled and fully decodable for children just starting their reading journey. Explore is a reading scheme covering book bands Lilac to Gold and offers three pairs of  topic-linked books at each level to encourage the reading of different text types as well as across the curriculum subjects. In A Top Pot Chip and Dad make pots as well as mess! In the linked non-fiction book Spot a Pot readers are encouraged to spot the pot, bucket and mug and think about the materials they are made of.

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About this collection

This set of 6 Pink band books (ORT level 1+) is carefully levelled and fully decodable for children just starting their reading journey. Explore is a reading scheme covering book bands Lilac to Gold and offers three pairs of topic-linked books at each level to encourage the reading of different text types as well as across the curriculum subjects. In A Top Pot Chip and Dad make pots as well as mess! In the linked non-fiction book Spot a Pot readers are encouraged to spot the pot, bucket and mug and think about the materials they are made of.

  • Product Code: P915000W
  • Book Band Level: Pink
  • Key Stage: EYFS
  • Year Group: Reception
  • Book Genre: Mixed Fiction & Non-Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 6
  • Publisher: Oxford
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.