This set of 6 Green band books (ORT level 5) is carefully levelled and fully decodable for children just starting their reading journey. Explore is a reading scheme that covers book bands Lilac to Gold and offers three pairs of topic-linked books at each level to encourage the reading of different text types as well as across the curriculum subjects. In The Treasure Map, a magic key adventure, Biff, Chip and Anneena meet pirates looking for treasure. In the associated non-fiction book Map, Compass, Explore! readers will find out how explorers navigate and the way to use maps.
- Product Code: P915400W
- Book Band Level: Green
- Key Stage: Key Stage 1
- Year Group: Year 1
- Book Genre: Mixed Fiction & Non-Fiction
- Book Quantity: 6
- Publisher: Oxford
- For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.
*We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.