Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle SSP Additional Resources pack for Reception

SKU: P928800W


  • Book Quantity: 14


  • Grapheme Cards For Reception: Phases 2 And 3
  • Grapheme Chart For Reception: Phases 2 And 3
  • Grapheme Mats For Reception (Pack Of 10): Phases 2 And 3
  • Keep-Up Teacher’s Guide For Reception
  • Large Grapheme Cards For Reception: Phases 2 And 3 (A4)
  • Lesson Prompt Cards For Reception
  • Picture Cards: Phase 2
  • Review Word Cards For Reception (Ready-To-Use Cards): Phases 2, 3 And 4
  • Wall Frieze For Reception: Phase 2
  • Wall Frieze For Reception: Phase 3
  • Word Cards And Tricky Word Cards For Reception (Ready-To-Use Cards): Phases 2, 3 And 4
  • Word Cards And Tricky Word Cards For Reception: Phase 2
  • Word Cards And Tricky Word Cards For Reception: Phase 3
  • Word Cards And Tricky Word Cards For Reception: Phase 4

Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It comprises classroom resources to support the SSP programme and a range of phonic readers that together provide a consistent and highly effective approach to teaching phonics.

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Grapheme Cards For Reception: Phases 2 And 3

This complete set of Phase 2 and 3 grapheme cards support teaching and reviewing of grapheme-phoneme correspondences through engaging mnemonics that help children make a link between the grapheme and phoneme. They are also used to make words during Phase 2 and 3 teacher-led blending.


Grapheme Chart For Reception: Phases 2 And 3

This grapheme chart for Phase 2 and 3 helps children make links to all Phase 2 and 3 GPCs. Display this in your classroom.


Keep-Up Teacher’s Guide For Reception

This Keep-up Teacher’s Guide provides clear, easy-to-follow lessons supported through prompt cards, covering Phases 2–4 of the programme. The lessons ensure that every child has a secure knowledge of graphemes and blending so they can read fluently. This comprehensive guide provides all the resources you need to plan and teach effectively.


Large Grapheme Cards For Reception: Phases 2 And 3

These large A4 sized cards are perfect for teaching Phase 2 and 3 graphemes to the whole class. They are exactly the same as the smaller cards.


Lesson Prompt Cards For Reception

This complete set of prompt cards for Reception support teachers with step-by-step instructions and tips for every aspect of each lesson. The cards are used in the CPD ‘How to’ videos on the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised website.


Picture Cards For Reception: Phase 2

Each of these picture cards has an image associated with the Phase 2 GPCs. Use them to teach the phonemes and for playing games.


Wall Frieze For Reception: Phase 2

This Phase 2 frieze supports children while they are learning these graphemes incrementally. It should be used before the grapheme charts are displayed. It is intended to support the teaching of capital letters.


Wall Frieze For Reception: Phase 3

This Phase 3 frieze for Phase 3 supports children while they are learning these graphemes incrementally. It is intended to be used before the grapheme charts are displayed.


Word Cards And Tricky Word Cards For Reception: Phase 2

This complete set of word cards and tricky word cards for Phase 2 provide children with the opportunity to practise reading words at their level and develop fluency. Contains 118 words.


Word Cards And Tricky Word Cards For Reception: Phase 3

This complete set of word cards and tricky word cards for Phase 3 provide children with the opportunity to practise reading words at their level and develop fluency. Contains 194 words.


Word Cards And Tricky Word Cards For Reception: Phase 4

This complete set of word cards and tricky word cards for Phase 4 provide children with the opportunity to practise reading words at their level and develop fluency. Contains 227 words.

Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It comprises classroom resources to support the SSP programme and a range of phonic readers that together provide a consistent and highly effective approach to teaching phonics.

Shop All Little Wandle Reading Books and Little Wandle Classroom Resources

  • Product Code: P928800W
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Reception
  • Book Quantity: 14
  • Publisher: Collins
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.