Accelerated Reader Middle Years Hi-Lo: Levels 2.5–3.0

SKU: 2572200W


  • RRP: £342.51
  • Book Quantity: 49

Offer reluctant and struggling readers in UKS2 satisfying quick reads to help them experience the same rewards and success as their more able peers. This varied collection, from the specialist Hi-Lo publisher Badger Learning, features appropriately low Accelerated Reader™ levels of 2.5–3.0 and has been written for the lowest 20% of readers aged 9–11, with a reading age of 6–8.

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About this collection

Offer reluctant and struggling readers in Years 5 and 6 satisfying quick reads to help them experience the same rewards and success as their more able peers. This varied collection, from specialist Hi-Lo publisher Badger Learning, features appropriately low Accelerated Reader™ levels of 2.5–3.0 and has been written for the lowest 20% of readers aged 9–11, with a reading age of 6–8. Like all our AR packs, AR stickers are included These consist of inside cover stickers detailing the book title, author, quiz number, book points, and interest level, as well as spine stickers showing the book level and interest level, which you can apply at your discretion. We’ll also supply all your paperback books fitted with free protective jackets to ensure they last a long time and are easy to clean.

  • Product Code: 2572200W
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 2
  • Year Group: Year 5, Year 6
  • Accelerated Reader Level: 2.0-2.9
  • Book Quantity: 49
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.