Habitats 5-Book Collection for KS2

SKU: 3535500W


  • RRP: £50.95
  • Book Quantity: 5

Compare and contrast major habitats or biomes for the animals and plants on this planet, including aquatic, grassland, forest, desert, and tundra ecosystems. Learn about ‘keystone’ species — animals or plants that play a crucial role in different habitats and have a significant impact on the environment around them. This small pack offers a wealth of facts about wildlife, habitats, and modern conservation practices aimed at protecting species. Key stage 2 learners will be fascinated by the species in these books and the challenges and endeavours they face in surviving in the wildest of places.

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About this collection

Compare and contrast major habitats or biomes for the animals and plants on this planet, including aquatic, grassland, forest, desert, and tundra ecosystems. Learn about ‘keystone’ species — animals or plants that play a crucial role in different habitats and have a significant impact on the environment around them. This small pack offers a wealth of facts about wildlife, habitats, and modern conservation practices aimed at protecting species. Key stage 2 learners will be fascinated by the species in these books and the challenges and endeavours they face in surviving in the wildest of places.

  • Product Code: 3535500W
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 2
  • Year Group: Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
  • Book Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 5
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

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