Best New Picture Books for Year 2

SKU: 2585600W


  • RRP: £212.74
  • Book Quantity: 26

Of course, phonics books and levelled readers have their place in the classroom, but if you truly want to engage children in reading and promote reading for pleasure, then a regular supply of high-quality picture books is a must. The right selection of picture books can absorb and captivate the whole class, promote listening skills and language development, explore new ideas and places, support children’s understanding of themselves and others, and nourish a rich internal world that they can draw upon in their writing, talking, art, and play. This rich and rewarding collection of new books, carefully selected for pupils aged 6–7, meets all these needs and will earn its place on your bookshelves time and time again.

As with all Pandora Books collections, our team carefully covers each book with the right-size, easy-clean protective jacket for you, ensuring that these books can be valued and enjoyed year after year.

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About this collection

Of course, phonics books and levelled readers have their place in the classroom, but if you truly want to engage children in reading and promote reading for pleasure, then a regular supply of high-quality picture books is a must. The right selection of picture books can absorb and captivate the whole class, promote listening skills and language development, explore new ideas and places, support children’s understanding of themselves and others, and nourish a rich internal world that they can draw upon in their writing, talking, art, and play. This rich and rewarding collection of new books, carefully selected for pupils aged 6–7, meets all these needs and will earn it’s place on your bookshelves time and time again.

As with all Pandora Books collections, our team carefully covers each book with the right-size, easy-clean protective jacket for you, ensuring that these books can be valued and enjoyed year after year.

  • Product Code: 2585600W
  • Key Stage: Key Stage 1
  • Year Group: Year 2
  • Book Genre: Fiction
  • Book Quantity: 26
  • For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.

    *We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.