Our Accelerated Reader Mixed Scheme Complete Pack features 175 books which have been hand-selected from the most popular schemes around today, including, Big Cat, Project X, Ransom Reading Stars, Traditional Tales, Reading Stars Phonics, Engage Literacy, Reading Planet and more. Featuring a wonderful mix of fiction and non-fiction books with vibrant photography and beautiful illustrations, these titles bring variety to your AR resources to keep your pupils engaged. With book levels ranging from 0.2-3.9, this collection is an easy way to extend and refresh your AR library to help encourage and develop your pupils’ reading ability. This collection features a handy storage box and stickers which clearly display the quiz number, book level, AR points and interest level. Every title will also arrive covered in a protective jacket to protect your investment too.
- Product Code: M966200W
- Key Stage: Key Stage 1
- Year Group: Reception, Year 1, Year 2
- Accelerated Reader Level: 0.1-0.9, 1.0-1.9, 2.0-2.9, 3.0-3.9
- Book Genre: Mixed Fiction & Non-Fiction
- Book Quantity: 175
- For a full list of titles included in this collection, please get in touch.
*We reserve the right to substitute unavailable titles with those of a similar quality, relevance and price.